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Canadian Patents Database - Introduction


Welcome to CIPO's Canadian Patent Database. This database lets you access 156 years of patent descriptions and images. You can search, retrieve and study more than 2,580,000 patent documents.

You can now access a wider variety of patent-specific documents on the Canadian Patents Database   page.

For the latest updates of the database, see the Currency of information   page.

For the latest updates on the site status, see the Service and Website Interruption   page.

Protect your privacy on the Canadian Patents Database 

Searching the Canadian Patent Database

Searching options page.

Portable Document Format (PDF) readers

To access PDF version of files on this website, you must have a PDF reader. PDF Readers .

Bulk Data

Information on patents compiled at CIPO can be ordered in bulk. Learn more about how to order this at IP Horizons: download intellectual property data .